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What they’re saying about the “Katz Roadshow!”

If you haven’t been to one of “The Katz RoadShow’s” check out what builders and yards are saying about these educational events:

Cameron Ellis Carpentry Services Ltd. IL: “Thanks for your prompt response. Yes it all makes sense. I did not win the meter at the Katz show, but I did attend the Katz show recently sponsored by Evanston Lumber and have also attended previous seminars they have hosted. I found them all to be very worth while and always learn something valuable. I pass this along because I know you guys have helped sponsor for several years now and that is appreciated.” Cameron

Robert Fischer owner of Evanston Lumber IL: “Hi Guys, Cameron has been a loyal customer of ours for a long time.

Thanks for all of your help and the Katz road show support!”

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