c.1725 - 1820. The Classical Colonial Style captures the feel of the 18th century. Designed after the historic William Gibbes House in Charleston, South Carolina, where the rooms and walls are symmetrical, balanced and perfectly proportionate.
c.1820 - 1840. Based on the ellipse rather than the circle, the Greek Revival style was founded on the principles of classic Greek architecture. This style flourished as American builders, fueled by patriotism, moved away from more traditional English styles.
c.1900 - 1930. The Classical Craftsman Style is inspired by the Arts and Crafts, Bungalow and Prairie movements. These movements rejected Victorian era excesses and embraced the desire to emphasize “man-made” over “machine-made” materials.
c.1920 - 1940. Capturing the spirit of classical details on a smaller scale and the revival of old world styles, the Colonial Revival Style reflects a new interpretation of classical orders with a distinctively American feel.
Wainscot caps and panel molding are designed to complement WindsorONE boards and specialty boards in a variety of applications. They also look stunning when used in conjunction with the four WindsorONE molding styles.

Brent Hull, a graduate of the prestigious North Bennett Street School and historic millwork expert, designed the historically accurate WindsorONE Molding Collection. Learn more about Brent and Hull Historical.