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Building America with True Craftsman & WindsorONE Category

Katz Roadshow Pacific Northwest

The Katz Roadshow is rolling through the Pacific Northwest this week. Woodcrafters in Portland, Oregon is hosting today, where 150 professionals are learning advanced carpentry techniques. Way to go Woodcrafters!

Katz Roadshow in PNW

The Katz Roadshow is rolling through the Pacific Northwest this week. The first stop is at Woodcrafters in Portland Oregon, where 150 professionals are learning advanced carpentry techniques. Great job Woodcrafters!

Huston Lumber strikes again

Bob Pijanowski of Robert’s Remodeling snapped a quick photo of this porch lid they were just covering up with WindsorONE 6″ T&G. Huston Lumber, NJ delivered the goods once again. T&G is a great way to make your ceiling lids stand out. http://www.h…

New WindsorONE Profile at Rochester Lumber!

Rochester Lumber now stocks WindsorONE’s tongue and groove profile to their offering!This profile is ideal for dressing up bland wall or ceilings into an elegant paneling, or v- groove porch ceilings.You can also find our Traditional 1x and 5/4 S4…