Kirk reached out on rainy Valentines Day, not to say Happy Valentines but to inquire about some swag for his crew. Along with that, he did have nothing but nice things to say about WindsorONE, he was installing “Architectural Grade Trim” as he puts it to his clients. He loves how straight and true our boards come, said he’s installed them on his home and leads first and only with WindsorONE. He does this do to his rules of Craftsmanship as well as he’s nearly retired and can pick and choose his jobs. Kirk’s colleagues, Dale & Dan of Alpine Development, are fans, and they use our products all the time as well. A huge thanks goes out to the team at Ganahl Lumber South Bay for serving up Kirk and the team of Quality Home Services by Kirk.

BEFORE – prepping for installation

AFTER – S1S2E Protected used for fascia
30 Year Warranty on Protected S1S2E Trim Boards
The 30-Year Warranty is only on WindsorONE Protected Boards and protects against rot, insects & mold. Ask your local pro lumberyard or look for the “protected” stamp on the back of the board. See the full Protected 30-Year Warranty here.